
Webonise Lab and Me : It’s been 3 years now! :)

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to mark the date, 7th March 2014, completed 3 years at Webonise Lab. It was an awesome journey till far. And would expect much more adventures and challenges with the new role and work. Enjoyed, the day with a drive to the favorite place. It’s a hill-top restaurant, at Sus-Road,Pashan. It feels thrilling everytime, I take Laddo to the hill-top, sat down with the cup of Coffee and see the colors spread by the almighty over his own canvas.

At Sus road Pune - @n1shant

Over Facebook : “3 years, and loads of things which has changed. An extentended family, love and lots of code. Still lot to come, to reach the acme!”

Thanks to everyone who supported to reach this far.
